Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan

Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation is one of the oldest scout camps in the nation. Located in Pearson, WI, it originally opened in 1929 (East Camp), and expanded into a West Camp facility in 1959.

Troop 57 visits Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan every year in late June for a full week of camping, merit badge work, and fellowship. It’s always a highlight on the calendar.

Troop 57 at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan

Both Troop Photo 2021.jpg


WE ARE BACK! After a year off due to the devastating storm that rocked MSR in late 2019, and the pandemic of 2020, Troop 57B returned to MSR this year, and Troop 57G visited for the first time! Together the Troops brought 26 Scouts to camp, and filled the week with Merit Badge classes, horseback riding, zipline, and stories around the campfire.



This was the first year for the Nuclear Narwhal Patrol. Highlights included Kayaking, Climbing, and Riflery merit badges, along with epic games of volleyball, gaga ball, and late night bonfires.



This year we had a few dear visit camp. Our onsite service project included improvements to the Shooting Sports Area sign, which is located right next to our camp.


More camp memories coming soon!


High Adventure